When designing your home place the different rooms and places as follows:
Prayer Room - North East
Open Space - North East
Guest Room - North West
Kitchen - South East
Master Bedroom - South West
Bedroom for Children or married son - South
Living Room, drawing room and Dining Hall - West
Baths and Toilets - West
Ideal Layout of a House as per Vastu
As per vastu it is fruitful to have greenery (garden) in the open space in North East.
There is a very simple remedy available if the South West is not the highest point in your building. Vertically place a long enough cement pipe in the South West corner of your building. You can also fix an earthern pot on top of the pipe to make it aesthetically pleasing and color the pot and pipe with earthern colors like brown, or brownish yellow. This is will make South West the highest point of the building. Another way is to put the overhead water tank at this corner, tall enough to make it the highest point of the building.
Sl.No. Name Good As Per Vasthu Bad As Per Vasthu
1 East of North East Corner Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room (Underground Room), Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room, Office Room. Stair Case, Toilet, Store, Kitchen, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Bed Room, Store, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees.
2 East (Positive) Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Cellar Room (Underground Room), Garden, Main Gate/Door. Stair Case, Toilet, Store, Kitchen, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Godown, Big Trees.
3 East (Negative) Septic Tank, Dining Room, Store Room, Kitchen, Boiler , Toilet, Bath Room, Garden. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Overhead Tank, Main Gate/Door .
4 East of South East Corner Kitchen, Boiler, Staircase, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden, Store Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Bed Room, Office Room, Main Gate/Door.
5 South Of South East Corner Kitchen, Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Drawing Room, Living Room,-Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Bed Room, Office Room.
6 South (Positive) Main Door/Gate, Bed Room, Dining, Drawing, Store, Stair Case, Toilet, Garden. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water.
7 South
(Negative Bed Room, Store, Stair Case, Toilet, Garden with big trees. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water.
8 South of South West Corner Bed Room, Store, Office Room, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Stair Case, Main Door/Gate, Cellar Room , Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room.
9 West of South West Corner Bed Room, Store, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees, Office Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room , Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children’ Room, Computer Room, Septic Tank, Stair Case.
10 West (Negative) Bed Room, Store, Stair Case, Toilet, Garden, , Godown, Big Trees, Office Room, Living Room, Drawing Room, , Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room , Verandah, Portico, Septic Tank.
11 West (Positive) Main Gate/Door, Kitchen, Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room,Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden, Stair Case. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Septic Tank, Cellar Room .
12 West Of North West Corner Kitchen, Boiler, Staircase, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden, Office Room, Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Cellar Room .
13 North Of North West Corner Kitchen, Garden, Stair Case, Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Septic Tank. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door.
14 North (Negative) Children’s Bed Room, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room,Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Stair Case. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door.
15 North (Positive) Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room, Office Room, Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Cellar Room (Underground Room, Stair Case. Store, Kitchen, Septic Tank, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees.
16 North of North East Corner Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room (Underground Room), Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room, Office Room. Stair Case, Toilet, Store, Kitchen, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Bed Room, Store, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees.
1. Vastu for Hall:-
Hall should be in the east (positive), north-east, south (positive), south-east, (west positive) and north (positive) portion of the house as per Vasthu Rules. More open places , doors and windows has to be provided towards the north-east corner, east and north side of the hall, so as to bring more positive energy of the morning sun to the house. No walls blocking the sun rays should be constructed in the east and north-east side of the hall, where ever possible. The south-west portion of the hall can be higher than the north-east portion, both at floor and the ceiling levels. Heavy furniture and plants should be placed in the south-west portion, and northeast portion can be used to place light plants and flower decorations.
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2. Vastu for Main Doors:-
The main doors are very important as they make the way for the entry of natural energy to pass through our house. Also if the doors are placed in proper positions then only the weight balances of a house can be maintained. If the main door is placed as per Vastu Shastra the house will benefit the people living in the house. The door position for every room also has to be considered important. The number of doors in a floor can be in odd numbers. The main door has to be wider and higher if possible compared to all other doors. Always doors should not be directly fixed with columns. Doors can be fixed after constructing a brick wall at least for 6 inches width. If the main door and the rear door are aligned in same line.
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3. Vastu for Bed Rooms:-
The Master bedroom should be in the south-west corner of the building, in every floor. The main earning member or the Eldest of all should stay in the master bedroom of highest floor. This room can be used by father or the eldest son, or who controls the family expenses. The other bedrooms can be provided at the south (positive) and west (positive) direction of the house. It is also recommended for the eldest son, provided the parents stay in the master bed room. The second son or next earning member of the family can sleep in this room.
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4. Vastu for Bed position:-
Vastu Shastra advices people to sleep with head in any direction except north. Our body is considered a magnet with North Pole acting at our head and the South Pole at legs. The earth is a big magnetic power having north and south poles. Hence keeping the head in the north direction, makes North Pole of our body repel with the north pole of the earth’s magnetic power. This repulsion causes a bad magnetic stir in our brain and our subconscious mind struggles for peace. Also our earth travels in a constant speed towards north-east direction and we too are in the same motion, which we don’t feel at all. Hence if we sleep along with the direction of motion i.e. north-east direction by keeping our head in south or east side will make our sleep peaceful and deep.
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5. Vastu for Children Bed room:-
Children's rooms can be in the west, north or east of the building. A north-west corner and west side bedroom is best for children. A north- east corner bedroom can also be used for unmarried children or guests. The beds in the children's room can be in the southwest portion with heads in the east or south direction.
As a general rule of Vastu, there must not be any mirror opposite to the bed in a bedroom. A television screen is also considered as mirror, when turned off, and so even a TV is not allowed to be kept exactly opposite to the bed. But as people generally insist on keeping a TV in bedroom, it can be kept to the right or left of the bed at angle for a comfortable view from bed.
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6. Vastu for Bathroom:-
The east and west portion of the house is best for constructing a bathroom. The morning and evening rays of the Sun are believed to be extremely beneficial for health, hence proper windows should be provided in the bathroom. The sun light also disinfects the bath room. The slope of the bathroom floor should be towards north and east so water drains to the north-east side of the bathroom.
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7. Vastu for Toilets:-
Toilets should to be in the northwest of the house or building. Avoid constructing a toilet in the center of the building, south-west and in the northeast of the building. When it has to be an attached toilet, let it be to the northwest side of the particular room. The second alternative is the southeast of the building or room.
As northeast (Eeshanya) is the junction of Kubera and Indra, it is said that toilet in the north-east may gradually weaken the finances and the general prosperity of the master of the house. The children and elders may get diseases and often visit hospitals.
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8. Vastu for Pooja Room (Prayer Room):-
The Pooja room should be preferably in the east, north or north-east corner of the house. The prayer room can built in the north-west corner for the people who desire to do meditation. The Pooja room can be planned near the kitchen also. The Pooja room should never be in any of the bedrooms
The Idols of the Gods should be kept in the north-east portion of the Pooja room. The faces of god should not be covered with anything including garlands and flowers. If a lamp is placed in the Pooja room, it should always be switched on only while doing Pooja or prayers.
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9. Vastu for Guest Room:-
The north-west corner is ideal as a guest room. This is the centre for Vaayu and denotes movement. Guests so placed mean that they will not stay unduly long. The north, east and west parts of the house also can be considered as guest room. But the south-west corner of the house should never be allotted for the guest room.
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10. Vastu for Study Room:-
Study room can be located in the north-east, east, north-west and portion of the house, but never be in the south-west and south-east corners. Hindu Gods Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Chandra (Moon), Shukra (Venus) effect having a study room in the west direction, as mercury increases brain power, Jupiter increases ambition and curiosity. Moon helps in the generation of new thoughts and ideas. Venus helps in the growth of talent.
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11. Vastu for Kitchen:-
The kitchen should be in the south-east portion of the house as a first choice and unless otherwise a compelling situation arises while designing the house other choices can be considered without damaging the good effects. The North-west corner is equally can be considered as second choice. The south (positive) and West (Positive) directions also can be considered as third choice.
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12. Vastu for Dining Room:-
East, south or west portion of the house are good for designing the dining rooms. The dining room can be an independent room or in continuation of the kitchen.
The dining table, preferably a rectangular one should be so arranged that the master of the house, or his wife or eldest son occupies the south of south-west or west of south-west chair in the room.
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13. Vastu for Over Head Tank:-
The overhead water tank should be only in the south-west corner of the building at the top most height possible. The water tank stores huge quantity of water. The weight of water is roughly 1Kilogramme per litter. Supposing a tank is 3metr in length, 1meter in width and 1 meter in height, it can contain roughly about 3000 liters, which will weigh about 3000 kilogram. And the concrete used for building the tank also weighs a lot.
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14.Vastu for Sump, Bore Well and Well:-
If a Sump, Bore well and well is to be created in the house, the best is to plan it in north-east corner, east (positive) and north (positive). As the sump and well stores lot of water, it cools the earth. When the water is stored below the ground level has the character to reduce the weight of the place and brings in with it the natural energy of the Mother Nature.
If the well is closed without providing ventilation, it brings in disasters to the family members.
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15. Vastu for Septic Tank:-
Septic tanks should not be in the south-east, north-east or south-west corner under any condition. If there is paucity of space, the septic tank can be built in the northern corner of the west side, north (negative) and east (negative) portions of the plot. A gap of at least 30 to 60 centimeters (1 to 2 feet) must be provided away from the main wall of the house and compound wall. The length of the septic tank should be in the east-west direction and breadth in the south north, as far as possible.
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16. Vastu for Drainage Pipeline:-
Pipelines in the bathroom and the kitchen should have their outlets in the east or north direction. Outlets should not be in the south-west corner of the plot under any condition.
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17. Vastu for Staircase:-
The stair case consumes lot of steel and concrete and will weigh heavier compared to the walls. Also when seen from the top view it resemble like a well or shallow room. The main staircase of the building should be in the south, east, west or north-west corner. It should never be in the north-east corner.
• Hang Paintings of the rising sun or of natural beauty on the east wall and mountains in south wall for creating good mood.
• Furniture should not be kept touching the east or north sidewall.
• North-East corner of the hall should be kept empty as much as possible. Foot ware shall never be kept in this corner.
• Water fountain or paintings of waterfalls can be hanged over in the north and east sides of the hall.
• Any heavy show case or bookrack should be fixed in the south or west wall.
• A/C or room heater should be fixed in the southeast wall.
• Study table should be kept in north, northwest or north-east directions.
• Water Cooler should never be kept in southeast, can be kept in the north and east sides.
Pooja (Prayer) Room:-
• Pooja room or altar shall not be below a staircase.
• Any used and old clothes items shall not be kept in the Pooja room.
• Never keep any heavy items above the altar.
• Always keep the photos of ancestors facing towards north side.
• Keeping a brass pot of Holy Water of Ganges is good.
• Pooja room wall shall not be connected to toilet or drainage pipes.
• Pooja Room for prayer and meditation is recommended to be in the north-east corner of the house.
• Deity or image of god should not face the south direction.
• Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying.
Bed Room:-
• The south-west corner of the house is the best place for the master bedroom, for maintaining peace in love life.
• The bed room in a south-east corner always brings bad luck and spoils the intimacy of couples.
• The very bad heat or fire energy creates tension and restlessness in the mind. Our research shows the divorced couple slept in this corner.
• The bed rooms in the north-east corner are unsuitable for any newlywed couples. The couples who sleep here often are childless as per our research.
• Though metal beds are in vogue and much in fashion, according to Vasthu Shastra, wooden beds should be used.
• The bed should position in the south-west corner of the bed room for better results.
• A bed positioned in the northern and eastern zone of the bedroom would cause mental stress and financial instability.
• The bed shall not be placed in front of the bed room door or opposite any door of the attached toilet or balcony.
• While sleeping, make sure that your head points towards the side and legs towards north side, for a blissful personal life.
• The door of the attached toilet must be kept closed always and the toilet seat cover should be kept down, when not in use.
• Also, there should not be any single identity in the couple room, such as duck and butterfly.
• Avoid any thing that causes stress in the bedroom.
• Never sleep under the beam. It causes unnecessary pressure and also is detrimental in terms of health.
• Don’t sleep in direct alignment with sharp corners. This can create stress in your nervous system. In a room that has sharp corners, you will never be able to experience peace, unless you soften them by placing plants in front. Also, move your bed away from direct alignment with them.
• If you want to have a bookshelf in your bedroom, west or southwest corner is the best place, as per the Vastu guidelines for a bedroom.
• The bedroom door should open at least ninety degrees, to fully allow positive opportunities to flow to you. This is because the door of your bedroom is symbolic of the opportunities life presents you. A door that cannot open fully will limit the support and prospects life has to offer you
• The first thing that you see when you enter your bedroom should give you the feeling of peacefulness and serenity. Such feelings can be enhanced by a photograph, inspiring quote, painting, sculpture or even flowers. Locate these things at such a place that the moment you enter your bedroom, your gaze falls on them.
• A painting of Lord Krishna as child is advised in the bedroom for a happy and enjoyable relationship between husband and wife.
• Light green, light rose or blue color is to be preferred for Painting the walls of the bed room to give the bedroom a soothing effect.
• Wearing red color brings back the lost love in your life and stimulates the desire as well.
Clutter or unwanted and unused items in the bed room and cupboards are to avoided for a good night sleep. For a good and healthy relationship, special attention should be paid to remove the clutter, as they restrict the flow of love.
• Mirrors are a strictly should be kept in the bedroom, visible to beds or reflecting the bed from any side. The mirrors can be placed in the south and west walls without facing the beds.
Computer and TV are not advisable to be in the room. However, if you have TV and computer in bedroom, cover them with a cloth while sleeping in the night.
• According to Vasthu, the master bedrooms should be in the South-West corner of the house.
If the house has more than one floor then, then it should be on the top most floors.
The falls roof height should be in level; this makes the energy of the room uniform.
Children’s room should be in the North West or west side.
Children`s Room:-
• The children`s room, should be constructed in the North-West corner.
• Drawing Room - It should be in North-West, South or west direction.
• The furniture should be kept in South and West directions.
• Open space should be left maximum in North and East directions.
• The paintings of Lord Ganesha, Saraswati are very good in the children room.
Dining Room:-
• The dining room should be constructed in East, West, South-East or North-west only.
• The dining room and kitchen should be on the same floor and it should be adjacent to the kitchen.
• Pooja cupboard shall not be fixed in the dining room.
• Ancestor’s photo may not be hanged on the walls of dining room.
• Head of the family should sit in south side of the dining table facing north side.
Guest Room:-
• Guest room should be planned in North-West corner.
• It cancan be built in west, east and north sides also.
• Guest room should never be in south, South-west and north-east directions.
• The kitchen must be situated in South-East or North-West corner s only.
• The face of the cook should be towards the East.
• The water tap in kitchen should be in the North-East direction.
• Kitchen should not be made near or opposite the bathroom or toilet.
• Kitchen should be avoided below the staircase.
• Cooking stove or other appliances are to be kept in south-east corner in the kitchen.
• Heavy weight utensils should be kept adjoining the south and west wall.
• Refrigerator could be kept in anywhere except the north-east corner of the kitchen.
• The electric appliances should be fixed at southeast corner.
Study Room:-
• The North-East, North-West, North and East direction are best for a study room.
• If the study room and place of worship room are adjacent then it is considered most beneficial.
• It is very good if Sun light falls inside the study room in the morning.
Store Room:-
• The store room should be constructed in the southern or western part of the building.
• Grain and other provisions can be stored in the kitchen or in other rooms and cupboards in the south-west direction.
• Provision and eatables should not be stored in divans and box beds because it effects the magnetic environment of the self and the room causing sleeping disorders.
• Pooja shall not be used as store room.
• The main door should be larger than the inner doors and all doors should open towards the inner walls.
• The main door is to be made from a good quality wood like teak.
• The total number of doors is good if they are odd numbers.
• The doors should be in the North (Positive), North-East, East (Positive), East, East of South-East, West (Positive), West of North-West only.
• No big stone, pillar or waste box should be in front of any door.
• Kitchen should not be built opposite the main entrance.
• Doors should not be in south-west corner.
• Window openings should be on the northern and eastern sides of the buildings and in all rooms.
• The total number of windows is good if they are even numbers.
• The doors and windows shall be posited in criss-cross manner to achieve cross ventilation.
Compound Wall:-
• The thickness and height of the walls in the South-west side corner should be thicker than the other walls. They shall be exactly 90 degrees.
• The construction work should start from south-west side towards north-east side.
• Garage should be built in northwest or southeast corner.
• Basement should be built in the east, north or north-east side.
• The depth of basement should be less than or equal to that of height of the ground floor.
• The basement should not be constructed in the south-west corner.
• Digging a Well in the North-east assures guarantee sound health, wealth, longevity of children and prosperity.
• A well or a water body in South-east corner brings harmful ill luck and diseases to ladies and children.
• A well or a water body in the South-west corner will result in loss of wealth, accidents and serious illness.
• Well in North-west may cause bad name in the society and litigation in a court.
• Well in east improves finances, and gives prosperity.
• Well in South causes ill-health and loss of wealth.
• Well in North gives health and wealth.
• Well in center of the plot may create many hardships and can damage the brain causing mental sickness and strain
Vastu Tips for East facing Houses:-
1. More open area is to be left on east and north sides.
2. The main door must be on the north-east corner or east (Positive).
3. The kitchen must be in south-east corner or as second choice in north-west corner.
4. The stair case can be built in north-west corner and never in north-east corner.
5. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south -east corner.
6. Any type of construction like security room, E.B room, garage Etc... Shall not be built on the north east corner of the plot.
7. Big trees or heavy flower pots not to be kept in the north-east corner of the plot.
8. While digging well, sump – due care to be taken not to affect the north-east corner.
9. Portico, Car Park should not be built extending the north-east corner of the house.
10. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south east corner.
11. The Master bed room must be built in the South west corner and children' room in the north west corner.
12. The Hall can well be placed in the East side towards north or in the north east corner.
13. If more windows are provided in the east side the flow sun light in the morning will bring good luck and health.
14. East side elevation must not be higher that of west side.
15. If waste water, rain water and drainage are passed out from the north-east direction, the children will prosper in studies and profession.
Shape of the Plot:-
• square plot is the most ideal. A rectangular plot up to the ratio of 1:2 is also good.
• A triangular or circular plot leads to instability; one should never purchase an angular, hexagonal or a haphazard plot. If such a plot is purchased, then a square or rectangular part of it can be used and the remaining portion should be sold or abandoned or separated by building a compound wall.
• Except the north-east corner, extension in any other direction is not proper. By making such plots rectangular, they can be used.
.East Facing Plots (Plot No.30):-
The effects of East facing plots will be on the male children living in the house. East facing plot is best for all type of constructions, whether a house or a business establishment. However, due care must be taken while deciding the construction. As the sun rises in the east, this plot brings success in every effort. The children living in the hoVastu Tips for East facing Houses:-
1. More open area is to be left on east and north sides.
2. The main door must be on the north-east corner or east (Positive).
3. The kitchen must be in south-east corner or as second choice in north-west corner.
4. The stair case can be built in north-west corner and never in north-east corner.
5. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south -east corner.
6. Any type of construction like security room, E.B room, garage Etc... Shall not be built on the north east corner of the plot.
7. Big trees or heavy flower pots not to be kept in the north-east corner of the plot.
8. While digging well, sump – due care to be taken not to affect the north-east corner.
9. Portico, Car Park should not be built extending the north-east corner of the house.
10. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south east corner.
11. The Master bed room must be built in the South west corner and children' room in the north west corner.
12. The Hall can well be placed in the East side towards north or in the north east corner.
13. If more windows are provided in the east side the flow sun light in the morning will bring good luck and health.
14. East side elevation must not be higher that of west side.
15. If waste water, rain water and drainage are passed out from the north-east direction, the children will prosper in studies and profession.use prosper higher studies.
Defective plots due to uneven size (Plot Nos. 6,7,8,9,13,14, 15,17,18,39,40):-
Some plots are defective as per Vasthu Shastra and needs to be corrected, before constructing any building with proper guidance from a Vasthu Consultant. Otherwise the construction will be delayed and harm the owner in various ways. Also in our research we have found that even though the buildings are as per Vasthu Shastra, the people living in these plots complaint about serious misfortunes and hardships in their life. This point must be remembered that even if some portion of the site may have to be sacrifices to correct the defective plot, the outcome is a peaceful living and not the money.
Plan showing a bad Road oppsite a plot:-
Vastu remedies for correction of defective plots and houses:-
Vastu Shastra suggests many ways for correcting the defects. Consulting an expert vastu consultant is suggested to get the best remedial action.
1. These plots can be corrected by dividing the plot in to two, where by the portion opposite the street becomes a separate plot.
2. Shops, Garages, Small temples, Gardens, etc. can be built to divert the bad effects.
3.Separate compound wall must be constructed as explained in the picture below:
1.Vastu Rectification of plots defective due to roads opposite south west corner and south east corner.
2.Retification plots defective due to roads opposite south west corner and north west corner.
Prayer Room - North East
Open Space - North East
Guest Room - North West
Kitchen - South East
Master Bedroom - South West
Bedroom for Children or married son - South
Living Room, drawing room and Dining Hall - West
Baths and Toilets - West
Ideal Layout of a House as per Vastu
As per vastu it is fruitful to have greenery (garden) in the open space in North East.
There is a very simple remedy available if the South West is not the highest point in your building. Vertically place a long enough cement pipe in the South West corner of your building. You can also fix an earthern pot on top of the pipe to make it aesthetically pleasing and color the pot and pipe with earthern colors like brown, or brownish yellow. This is will make South West the highest point of the building. Another way is to put the overhead water tank at this corner, tall enough to make it the highest point of the building.
Sl.No. Name Good As Per Vasthu Bad As Per Vasthu
1 East of North East Corner Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room (Underground Room), Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room, Office Room. Stair Case, Toilet, Store, Kitchen, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Bed Room, Store, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees.
2 East (Positive) Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Cellar Room (Underground Room), Garden, Main Gate/Door. Stair Case, Toilet, Store, Kitchen, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Godown, Big Trees.
3 East (Negative) Septic Tank, Dining Room, Store Room, Kitchen, Boiler , Toilet, Bath Room, Garden. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Overhead Tank, Main Gate/Door .
4 East of South East Corner Kitchen, Boiler, Staircase, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden, Store Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Bed Room, Office Room, Main Gate/Door.
5 South Of South East Corner Kitchen, Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Drawing Room, Living Room,-Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Bed Room, Office Room.
6 South (Positive) Main Door/Gate, Bed Room, Dining, Drawing, Store, Stair Case, Toilet, Garden. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water.
7 South
(Negative Bed Room, Store, Stair Case, Toilet, Garden with big trees. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water.
8 South of South West Corner Bed Room, Store, Office Room, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Stair Case, Main Door/Gate, Cellar Room , Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room.
9 West of South West Corner Bed Room, Store, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees, Office Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room , Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children’ Room, Computer Room, Septic Tank, Stair Case.
10 West (Negative) Bed Room, Store, Stair Case, Toilet, Garden, , Godown, Big Trees, Office Room, Living Room, Drawing Room, , Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room , Verandah, Portico, Septic Tank.
11 West (Positive) Main Gate/Door, Kitchen, Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room,Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden, Stair Case. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Septic Tank, Cellar Room .
12 West Of North West Corner Kitchen, Boiler, Staircase, Toilet, Bath Room, Garden, Office Room, Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Cellar Room .
13 North Of North West Corner Kitchen, Garden, Stair Case, Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Septic Tank. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door.
14 North (Negative) Children’s Bed Room, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room,Office Room, Toilet, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Stair Case. Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Main Gate/Door.
15 North (Positive) Main Gate/Door, Portico, Study Room, Garden, Drawing Room, Living Room, Office Room, Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Cellar Room (Underground Room, Stair Case. Store, Kitchen, Septic Tank, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees.
16 North of North East Corner Well, Bore well, Sump for storing water, Pooja Room, Main Gate/Door, Cellar Room (Underground Room), Verandah, Living Room, Drawing Room, Portico, Study Room, Children Room, Computer Room, Office Room. Stair Case, Toilet, Store, Kitchen, Bath Room, Septic Tank, Bed Room, Store, Godown, Overhead Tank, Big Trees.
1. Vastu for Hall:-
Hall should be in the east (positive), north-east, south (positive), south-east, (west positive) and north (positive) portion of the house as per Vasthu Rules. More open places , doors and windows has to be provided towards the north-east corner, east and north side of the hall, so as to bring more positive energy of the morning sun to the house. No walls blocking the sun rays should be constructed in the east and north-east side of the hall, where ever possible. The south-west portion of the hall can be higher than the north-east portion, both at floor and the ceiling levels. Heavy furniture and plants should be placed in the south-west portion, and northeast portion can be used to place light plants and flower decorations.
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2. Vastu for Main Doors:-
The main doors are very important as they make the way for the entry of natural energy to pass through our house. Also if the doors are placed in proper positions then only the weight balances of a house can be maintained. If the main door is placed as per Vastu Shastra the house will benefit the people living in the house. The door position for every room also has to be considered important. The number of doors in a floor can be in odd numbers. The main door has to be wider and higher if possible compared to all other doors. Always doors should not be directly fixed with columns. Doors can be fixed after constructing a brick wall at least for 6 inches width. If the main door and the rear door are aligned in same line.
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3. Vastu for Bed Rooms:-
The Master bedroom should be in the south-west corner of the building, in every floor. The main earning member or the Eldest of all should stay in the master bedroom of highest floor. This room can be used by father or the eldest son, or who controls the family expenses. The other bedrooms can be provided at the south (positive) and west (positive) direction of the house. It is also recommended for the eldest son, provided the parents stay in the master bed room. The second son or next earning member of the family can sleep in this room.
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4. Vastu for Bed position:-
Vastu Shastra advices people to sleep with head in any direction except north. Our body is considered a magnet with North Pole acting at our head and the South Pole at legs. The earth is a big magnetic power having north and south poles. Hence keeping the head in the north direction, makes North Pole of our body repel with the north pole of the earth’s magnetic power. This repulsion causes a bad magnetic stir in our brain and our subconscious mind struggles for peace. Also our earth travels in a constant speed towards north-east direction and we too are in the same motion, which we don’t feel at all. Hence if we sleep along with the direction of motion i.e. north-east direction by keeping our head in south or east side will make our sleep peaceful and deep.
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5. Vastu for Children Bed room:-
Children's rooms can be in the west, north or east of the building. A north-west corner and west side bedroom is best for children. A north- east corner bedroom can also be used for unmarried children or guests. The beds in the children's room can be in the southwest portion with heads in the east or south direction.
As a general rule of Vastu, there must not be any mirror opposite to the bed in a bedroom. A television screen is also considered as mirror, when turned off, and so even a TV is not allowed to be kept exactly opposite to the bed. But as people generally insist on keeping a TV in bedroom, it can be kept to the right or left of the bed at angle for a comfortable view from bed.
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6. Vastu for Bathroom:-
The east and west portion of the house is best for constructing a bathroom. The morning and evening rays of the Sun are believed to be extremely beneficial for health, hence proper windows should be provided in the bathroom. The sun light also disinfects the bath room. The slope of the bathroom floor should be towards north and east so water drains to the north-east side of the bathroom.
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7. Vastu for Toilets:-
Toilets should to be in the northwest of the house or building. Avoid constructing a toilet in the center of the building, south-west and in the northeast of the building. When it has to be an attached toilet, let it be to the northwest side of the particular room. The second alternative is the southeast of the building or room.
As northeast (Eeshanya) is the junction of Kubera and Indra, it is said that toilet in the north-east may gradually weaken the finances and the general prosperity of the master of the house. The children and elders may get diseases and often visit hospitals.
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8. Vastu for Pooja Room (Prayer Room):-
The Pooja room should be preferably in the east, north or north-east corner of the house. The prayer room can built in the north-west corner for the people who desire to do meditation. The Pooja room can be planned near the kitchen also. The Pooja room should never be in any of the bedrooms
The Idols of the Gods should be kept in the north-east portion of the Pooja room. The faces of god should not be covered with anything including garlands and flowers. If a lamp is placed in the Pooja room, it should always be switched on only while doing Pooja or prayers.
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9. Vastu for Guest Room:-
The north-west corner is ideal as a guest room. This is the centre for Vaayu and denotes movement. Guests so placed mean that they will not stay unduly long. The north, east and west parts of the house also can be considered as guest room. But the south-west corner of the house should never be allotted for the guest room.
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10. Vastu for Study Room:-
Study room can be located in the north-east, east, north-west and portion of the house, but never be in the south-west and south-east corners. Hindu Gods Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Chandra (Moon), Shukra (Venus) effect having a study room in the west direction, as mercury increases brain power, Jupiter increases ambition and curiosity. Moon helps in the generation of new thoughts and ideas. Venus helps in the growth of talent.
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11. Vastu for Kitchen:-
The kitchen should be in the south-east portion of the house as a first choice and unless otherwise a compelling situation arises while designing the house other choices can be considered without damaging the good effects. The North-west corner is equally can be considered as second choice. The south (positive) and West (Positive) directions also can be considered as third choice.
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12. Vastu for Dining Room:-
East, south or west portion of the house are good for designing the dining rooms. The dining room can be an independent room or in continuation of the kitchen.
The dining table, preferably a rectangular one should be so arranged that the master of the house, or his wife or eldest son occupies the south of south-west or west of south-west chair in the room.
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13. Vastu for Over Head Tank:-
The overhead water tank should be only in the south-west corner of the building at the top most height possible. The water tank stores huge quantity of water. The weight of water is roughly 1Kilogramme per litter. Supposing a tank is 3metr in length, 1meter in width and 1 meter in height, it can contain roughly about 3000 liters, which will weigh about 3000 kilogram. And the concrete used for building the tank also weighs a lot.
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14.Vastu for Sump, Bore Well and Well:-
If a Sump, Bore well and well is to be created in the house, the best is to plan it in north-east corner, east (positive) and north (positive). As the sump and well stores lot of water, it cools the earth. When the water is stored below the ground level has the character to reduce the weight of the place and brings in with it the natural energy of the Mother Nature.
If the well is closed without providing ventilation, it brings in disasters to the family members.
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15. Vastu for Septic Tank:-
Septic tanks should not be in the south-east, north-east or south-west corner under any condition. If there is paucity of space, the septic tank can be built in the northern corner of the west side, north (negative) and east (negative) portions of the plot. A gap of at least 30 to 60 centimeters (1 to 2 feet) must be provided away from the main wall of the house and compound wall. The length of the septic tank should be in the east-west direction and breadth in the south north, as far as possible.
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16. Vastu for Drainage Pipeline:-
Pipelines in the bathroom and the kitchen should have their outlets in the east or north direction. Outlets should not be in the south-west corner of the plot under any condition.
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17. Vastu for Staircase:-
The stair case consumes lot of steel and concrete and will weigh heavier compared to the walls. Also when seen from the top view it resemble like a well or shallow room. The main staircase of the building should be in the south, east, west or north-west corner. It should never be in the north-east corner.
• Hang Paintings of the rising sun or of natural beauty on the east wall and mountains in south wall for creating good mood.
• Furniture should not be kept touching the east or north sidewall.
• North-East corner of the hall should be kept empty as much as possible. Foot ware shall never be kept in this corner.
• Water fountain or paintings of waterfalls can be hanged over in the north and east sides of the hall.
• Any heavy show case or bookrack should be fixed in the south or west wall.
• A/C or room heater should be fixed in the southeast wall.
• Study table should be kept in north, northwest or north-east directions.
• Water Cooler should never be kept in southeast, can be kept in the north and east sides.
Pooja (Prayer) Room:-
• Pooja room or altar shall not be below a staircase.
• Any used and old clothes items shall not be kept in the Pooja room.
• Never keep any heavy items above the altar.
• Always keep the photos of ancestors facing towards north side.
• Keeping a brass pot of Holy Water of Ganges is good.
• Pooja room wall shall not be connected to toilet or drainage pipes.
• Pooja Room for prayer and meditation is recommended to be in the north-east corner of the house.
• Deity or image of god should not face the south direction.
• Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying.
Bed Room:-
• The south-west corner of the house is the best place for the master bedroom, for maintaining peace in love life.
• The bed room in a south-east corner always brings bad luck and spoils the intimacy of couples.
• The very bad heat or fire energy creates tension and restlessness in the mind. Our research shows the divorced couple slept in this corner.
• The bed rooms in the north-east corner are unsuitable for any newlywed couples. The couples who sleep here often are childless as per our research.
• Though metal beds are in vogue and much in fashion, according to Vasthu Shastra, wooden beds should be used.
• The bed should position in the south-west corner of the bed room for better results.
• A bed positioned in the northern and eastern zone of the bedroom would cause mental stress and financial instability.
• The bed shall not be placed in front of the bed room door or opposite any door of the attached toilet or balcony.
• While sleeping, make sure that your head points towards the side and legs towards north side, for a blissful personal life.
• The door of the attached toilet must be kept closed always and the toilet seat cover should be kept down, when not in use.
• Also, there should not be any single identity in the couple room, such as duck and butterfly.
• Avoid any thing that causes stress in the bedroom.
• Never sleep under the beam. It causes unnecessary pressure and also is detrimental in terms of health.
• Don’t sleep in direct alignment with sharp corners. This can create stress in your nervous system. In a room that has sharp corners, you will never be able to experience peace, unless you soften them by placing plants in front. Also, move your bed away from direct alignment with them.
• If you want to have a bookshelf in your bedroom, west or southwest corner is the best place, as per the Vastu guidelines for a bedroom.
• The bedroom door should open at least ninety degrees, to fully allow positive opportunities to flow to you. This is because the door of your bedroom is symbolic of the opportunities life presents you. A door that cannot open fully will limit the support and prospects life has to offer you
• The first thing that you see when you enter your bedroom should give you the feeling of peacefulness and serenity. Such feelings can be enhanced by a photograph, inspiring quote, painting, sculpture or even flowers. Locate these things at such a place that the moment you enter your bedroom, your gaze falls on them.
• A painting of Lord Krishna as child is advised in the bedroom for a happy and enjoyable relationship between husband and wife.
• Light green, light rose or blue color is to be preferred for Painting the walls of the bed room to give the bedroom a soothing effect.
• Wearing red color brings back the lost love in your life and stimulates the desire as well.
Clutter or unwanted and unused items in the bed room and cupboards are to avoided for a good night sleep. For a good and healthy relationship, special attention should be paid to remove the clutter, as they restrict the flow of love.
• Mirrors are a strictly should be kept in the bedroom, visible to beds or reflecting the bed from any side. The mirrors can be placed in the south and west walls without facing the beds.
Computer and TV are not advisable to be in the room. However, if you have TV and computer in bedroom, cover them with a cloth while sleeping in the night.
• According to Vasthu, the master bedrooms should be in the South-West corner of the house.
If the house has more than one floor then, then it should be on the top most floors.
The falls roof height should be in level; this makes the energy of the room uniform.
Children’s room should be in the North West or west side.
Children`s Room:-
• The children`s room, should be constructed in the North-West corner.
• Drawing Room - It should be in North-West, South or west direction.
• The furniture should be kept in South and West directions.
• Open space should be left maximum in North and East directions.
• The paintings of Lord Ganesha, Saraswati are very good in the children room.
Dining Room:-
• The dining room should be constructed in East, West, South-East or North-west only.
• The dining room and kitchen should be on the same floor and it should be adjacent to the kitchen.
• Pooja cupboard shall not be fixed in the dining room.
• Ancestor’s photo may not be hanged on the walls of dining room.
• Head of the family should sit in south side of the dining table facing north side.
Guest Room:-
• Guest room should be planned in North-West corner.
• It cancan be built in west, east and north sides also.
• Guest room should never be in south, South-west and north-east directions.
• The kitchen must be situated in South-East or North-West corner s only.
• The face of the cook should be towards the East.
• The water tap in kitchen should be in the North-East direction.
• Kitchen should not be made near or opposite the bathroom or toilet.
• Kitchen should be avoided below the staircase.
• Cooking stove or other appliances are to be kept in south-east corner in the kitchen.
• Heavy weight utensils should be kept adjoining the south and west wall.
• Refrigerator could be kept in anywhere except the north-east corner of the kitchen.
• The electric appliances should be fixed at southeast corner.
Study Room:-
• The North-East, North-West, North and East direction are best for a study room.
• If the study room and place of worship room are adjacent then it is considered most beneficial.
• It is very good if Sun light falls inside the study room in the morning.
Store Room:-
• The store room should be constructed in the southern or western part of the building.
• Grain and other provisions can be stored in the kitchen or in other rooms and cupboards in the south-west direction.
• Provision and eatables should not be stored in divans and box beds because it effects the magnetic environment of the self and the room causing sleeping disorders.
• Pooja shall not be used as store room.
• The main door should be larger than the inner doors and all doors should open towards the inner walls.
• The main door is to be made from a good quality wood like teak.
• The total number of doors is good if they are odd numbers.
• The doors should be in the North (Positive), North-East, East (Positive), East, East of South-East, West (Positive), West of North-West only.
• No big stone, pillar or waste box should be in front of any door.
• Kitchen should not be built opposite the main entrance.
• Doors should not be in south-west corner.
• Window openings should be on the northern and eastern sides of the buildings and in all rooms.
• The total number of windows is good if they are even numbers.
• The doors and windows shall be posited in criss-cross manner to achieve cross ventilation.
Compound Wall:-
• The thickness and height of the walls in the South-west side corner should be thicker than the other walls. They shall be exactly 90 degrees.
• The construction work should start from south-west side towards north-east side.
• Garage should be built in northwest or southeast corner.
• Basement should be built in the east, north or north-east side.
• The depth of basement should be less than or equal to that of height of the ground floor.
• The basement should not be constructed in the south-west corner.
• Digging a Well in the North-east assures guarantee sound health, wealth, longevity of children and prosperity.
• A well or a water body in South-east corner brings harmful ill luck and diseases to ladies and children.
• A well or a water body in the South-west corner will result in loss of wealth, accidents and serious illness.
• Well in North-west may cause bad name in the society and litigation in a court.
• Well in east improves finances, and gives prosperity.
• Well in South causes ill-health and loss of wealth.
• Well in North gives health and wealth.
• Well in center of the plot may create many hardships and can damage the brain causing mental sickness and strain
Vastu Tips for East facing Houses:-
1. More open area is to be left on east and north sides.
2. The main door must be on the north-east corner or east (Positive).
3. The kitchen must be in south-east corner or as second choice in north-west corner.
4. The stair case can be built in north-west corner and never in north-east corner.
5. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south -east corner.
6. Any type of construction like security room, E.B room, garage Etc... Shall not be built on the north east corner of the plot.
7. Big trees or heavy flower pots not to be kept in the north-east corner of the plot.
8. While digging well, sump – due care to be taken not to affect the north-east corner.
9. Portico, Car Park should not be built extending the north-east corner of the house.
10. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south east corner.
11. The Master bed room must be built in the South west corner and children' room in the north west corner.
12. The Hall can well be placed in the East side towards north or in the north east corner.
13. If more windows are provided in the east side the flow sun light in the morning will bring good luck and health.
14. East side elevation must not be higher that of west side.
15. If waste water, rain water and drainage are passed out from the north-east direction, the children will prosper in studies and profession.
Shape of the Plot:-
• square plot is the most ideal. A rectangular plot up to the ratio of 1:2 is also good.
• A triangular or circular plot leads to instability; one should never purchase an angular, hexagonal or a haphazard plot. If such a plot is purchased, then a square or rectangular part of it can be used and the remaining portion should be sold or abandoned or separated by building a compound wall.
• Except the north-east corner, extension in any other direction is not proper. By making such plots rectangular, they can be used.
.East Facing Plots (Plot No.30):-
The effects of East facing plots will be on the male children living in the house. East facing plot is best for all type of constructions, whether a house or a business establishment. However, due care must be taken while deciding the construction. As the sun rises in the east, this plot brings success in every effort. The children living in the hoVastu Tips for East facing Houses:-
1. More open area is to be left on east and north sides.
2. The main door must be on the north-east corner or east (Positive).
3. The kitchen must be in south-east corner or as second choice in north-west corner.
4. The stair case can be built in north-west corner and never in north-east corner.
5. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south -east corner.
6. Any type of construction like security room, E.B room, garage Etc... Shall not be built on the north east corner of the plot.
7. Big trees or heavy flower pots not to be kept in the north-east corner of the plot.
8. While digging well, sump – due care to be taken not to affect the north-east corner.
9. Portico, Car Park should not be built extending the north-east corner of the house.
10. The north-east corner of the house should not extend beyond south east corner.
11. The Master bed room must be built in the South west corner and children' room in the north west corner.
12. The Hall can well be placed in the East side towards north or in the north east corner.
13. If more windows are provided in the east side the flow sun light in the morning will bring good luck and health.
14. East side elevation must not be higher that of west side.
15. If waste water, rain water and drainage are passed out from the north-east direction, the children will prosper in studies and profession.use prosper higher studies.
Defective plots due to uneven size (Plot Nos. 6,7,8,9,13,14, 15,17,18,39,40):-
Some plots are defective as per Vasthu Shastra and needs to be corrected, before constructing any building with proper guidance from a Vasthu Consultant. Otherwise the construction will be delayed and harm the owner in various ways. Also in our research we have found that even though the buildings are as per Vasthu Shastra, the people living in these plots complaint about serious misfortunes and hardships in their life. This point must be remembered that even if some portion of the site may have to be sacrifices to correct the defective plot, the outcome is a peaceful living and not the money.
Plan showing a bad Road oppsite a plot:-
Vastu remedies for correction of defective plots and houses:-
Vastu Shastra suggests many ways for correcting the defects. Consulting an expert vastu consultant is suggested to get the best remedial action.
1. These plots can be corrected by dividing the plot in to two, where by the portion opposite the street becomes a separate plot.
2. Shops, Garages, Small temples, Gardens, etc. can be built to divert the bad effects.
3.Separate compound wall must be constructed as explained in the picture below:
1.Vastu Rectification of plots defective due to roads opposite south west corner and south east corner.
2.Retification plots defective due to roads opposite south west corner and north west corner.
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