Sunday, April 15, 2012


May I join in ur discussion? OK! Why do u argue on Chauvinism (may be either female or male)
Aristotle is the father of the western philosophy later to Socrates. He is the guide to our present society suggested and introduced in the traditions and pointed out changes to the sciences. His intension was the tranquility in the society. The condition of the society was different in those days comparing to the present condition of the society which is arrived after the awaiting extinction. Tranquility was the most positive feature of the countryside. Just as great art, design, and traditions allow us to enjoy our identity, so tranquility allows us to see, hear, and feel the spectacular beauty of the natural world. Seven factors which expresses Mindfulness, Investigation, Energy, Joy or rapture, Relaxation or tranquility, Concentration, Equanimity.
The frustrated, disorganized, disgruntled society in view of survival and with a view to achieve the socio economic change to their society for social reconstruction used to introduce certain restricted rules to protect humanity and regulations to bind the society and to be punished Infringed one. Yes the Aristotle awaiting extinction has come true in present society after centuries. The society is being ruled by women in some parts of the world. In the past there are evidences that the female Chauvinism ruled in some parts of the society with exclusive women but subsequently the male Chauvinism has destroyed it with their misogynistic views. To expel the discrimination laws have come in to existence and were modified from time to time in the present society. Even constitutions were written. Even then still ghastly misogynistic views towards women and atrocities on women are continued despite after achieving so many changes and after facing revolutions.
The male and female are two wheels of the nature building without one to another the creation is not there though there are discriminations and atrocities on women with inhuman nature. It is the History. It is proved that no female can live alone without the male. The queen Prameela in the history of Mahabaratha has ruled the part of the country in which all the female were existing and male were not to be allowed in to their jurisdiction. In north east states some of the districts are still existing in which every shop we can see only women not the men. It is a tradition that the female are to work and the male are to look after their physique and health and wait for his wife at home.
So there is no such place in the world where the female would live without the male and visa versa. The system which might have been developed by their own ways and means and convenience. It may be Mathru swamya desham or Pithruswamya desham as depicted in the history. You are enjoying and living in the peaceful country and at the various places of the world where democracy is existed and protected. In fact the Aristotle is the revolution among the western and Indian philosophers who has shown ways to all of them and has introduced changes to all sciences. Please don’t make the Aristotle as inferior in your discussions, they are great people who have shown path of light to the society and introduced many reforms to establish the humanity, love and affection among various parts of the people and to the culture.

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